Want a fun, creative process to nourish your soul?
I LOVE SoulCollage®. It’s a wonderful way to access my inner wisdom and higher guidance – another way to connect with the voice of my soul.
Not only that, it’s FUN and CREATIVE – and there’s no way to “do it wrong.”
Sounds fabulous, doesn’t it?
We collage our own cards and consult them. Because we made our own cards from images that called to us, and we give meaning to the cards, we are consulting our own inner wisdom – the voice of our soul – when we consult them.
SoulCollage® was created by Seena Frost in the 80’s, and the community of SoulCollage-ers and SoulCollage® Facilitators has been growing around the world ever since. I was introduced to the process a couple of years ago by my dear friend, Mariabruna Sirabella, and recently became a Facilitator myself.
This is a process anyone can do. As Seena says in her book, Soul Collage® Evolving:
“Stir together the ingredients of your imagination with intuition with a few powerful, cut-out images” as you create your cards. Over time, you create a deck of very personal, deeply meaningful cards that are a window into your soul, and a path to personal growth and integration.
I use my cards to help me start my day with clarity, to answer questions, and get guidance on issues big and small. They never fail to surprise and delight me with the depth of the answers and understanding I receive.
Giving voice to my cards, and helping my clients voice theirs, is another joy. As you allow the cards to speak through your voice in whatever way they prompt you to, you uncover more ways of expressing yourSELF, and honoring the full, authentic expression of the voice of your soul.
I invite you to begin this creative, joyful and profound journey into the voice of your soul!
For those of you in the San Francisco Bay Area, I’m leading an introductory workshop on October 25th near Half Moon Bay. Click here for information and to reserve your spot!
Those of you in other places, please look for a workshop near you at http://soulcollage.com. OR you can purchase Seena’s book there, and begin on your own.
Happy collaging!