Biofield Tuning® Testimonials
“When I want to write about someone, I make a list of adjectives and this is what came up for Ariana: kind, glowing, gentle, honest, always learning, smart, observant and patient. I got to know Ariana as a voice teacher who worked with folks with injured voices and I found her work very helpful. When she became certified in Biofield Tuning I gave it a try. I do not know how it works, but I started Biofield Tuning in person with Ariana and felt better in many ways. I enjoy and benefit from the work with specific physical issues and also with past experiences and even ancestral issues. I moved to distance sessions due to time, COVID, and Ariana’s move across country. I find that the work is still effective; even though I don’t really understand how it can be so. While I miss seeing Ariana in person, I have continued to enjoy our phone sessions and find them very effective in dealing with the anxiety and stress of the last few years. I highly recommend Ariana as an empath, a Biofield Tuner, a counselor, and a spiritual guide.” ~ Helene Milner
“I found the Biofield Tuning practice really beautiful – so broad and deep and thorough. I loved the way you interacted with the structure of the work. It seems like the tuning fork healing treatment has gone through and refined to a really great degree all the different nuances that can affect us in our lives, and across time and space, from the ancestors to the present. I felt really reassured that everything was being covered, nothing was being forgotten. I felt quite secure and safe that I could relax into the treatment and just be present. I also could really sense your great ability to listen – really listen – to the voice of the tuning fork, which was a voice for me and what was going on in my field. That was really pretty amazing, so thank you. Again, I felt really quite safe, secure and held in that space where deep healing was being done.” ~Aiofe Ni Carthaigh
“Thank you so much for yesterday – That was quite a profound session. I feel more peaceful and integrated and open today – more connection between my upper and lower body. It was super helpful. Really amazing work you are able to do through the timelines like that and also by phone. Much appreciation.” ~ Karen Rae Wilson
“Ariana is a very endowed healer and guide. I never cease to be amazed and grateful for the variety of resources that she offers, so that she can fine tune into what each of us needs. At the end of each session I am always left with a gift, a thought, an insight into myself which I can then further explore on my own. Ariana’s love and guidance will ultimately lead you to your own inner resources for healing. Experience this for yourself, you will be in for a treat!” ~ Giselle E. Whitwell, RMT
Wise Woman Immersion Testimonials
“The most important things I received in this program are the love & care, the discipline, the knowledge. Just the expansive avenues that this program has taken me. I don’t really believe, at this point in my life, that I would have been able to take myself there on my own. The discipline of this group, the love & harmony of this group, and the safe place of this group, really has been a nurturing experience. It’s been a very beautiful experience. It’s priceless! Every woman should give themselves this. Because we all need it.” ~ Vicki Stephens-Jackson
“The biggest thing for me in The Wise Woman Immersion was the support that I felt from all of you. Because I’ve NEVER in my entire life had that. To have the support and the permission and the push as well, to speak up. There is a level of self confidence that I’m feeling now. I’m recognizing this is something I really, really needed. I realized how much in the box I was. But this has shown me that I’m so much more than I thought I was. So much more. It’s been the love and the support, and the safety! It’s so totally, totally safe being here.” ~ Barbara Szmyt
“I am so happy that I did this. It has been such a rich experience. Sometimes when I’ve spent a large amount of money on something, I might regret it later. I don’t regret this one, even a tiny bit. It’s been worth every penny. I really recommend that if you are feeling at all called to do this, find a way to do it! You will be very happy with the results.” ~ Dorothy Harding
“One of the most powerful parts of the program was the Subtle Activism. The use of subtle energies was very powerful for me. We often feel powerless in face of what’s happening, say, in Syria, or the homeless problem literally across the street from me. To harness our psychic energy that way was very powerful for me, and very worth the time, effort, money, and mental energy. Just a good gift. And Ariana’s great.” ~ Helene Milner
“I really thank you for having those personal sessions as part of a group program. It’s so important in how we process what’s coming up, and how you hold space for that. To help us not only get in touch with what we’re really feeling but then to access a new evolving wisdom about it all. Thank you so much for holding the space for us, for adding your wisdom, and yet your wisdom is so open that it supports all of our wisdom to emerge.” ~ Laurel Ricci
“Being in this circle of women, the partnership we created, working together to change the world, to create a more compassionate, caring society has been great. I’m taking the partnership work into circles near me, and to the youth I mentor in 4H, trying to create a better world. This program has helped me bring out my voice more. Ariana focuses a lot on helping everybody believe in your voice and yourself and get that voice out so you can spread the partnership we need in the world.” ~ Jade Tilp
“The partnership with self work has been profound. I’ve worked for 40 years to heal the trauma from my life. I thought I had seen it all, done it all, experienced it all, yet still felt like I was not completely free. The thought of being in partnership with myself was revolutionary. The parts have come up naturally on their own in the lovely womb of safety that Ariana creates, especially in our private mentoring sessions. I recommend this work to anyone and everyone who feels prompted and ready to connect deeply to our bodies, to the womb of the mother, the womb of the cosmos. Just to connect deeply with our deep feminine, which has been one of the deepest gifts I’ve received so far in my whole life. So thank you.” ~ Lee Horowitz
Private Mentoring Testimonials
“I’ve been working since I was 21 with I can’t name how many therapists, just to survive. I worked with some of the best of the best. Ariana’s got it. I feel her energy actually doing work in me and through me, and accompanying me. That is a very direct experience. And the focus on love and acceptance. I’ve never known so much love and healing and so much growth and peace in such a short time from anything other than the work I’ve done with Ariana. My own work with people has shifted dramatically because of our work together.” ~ Lee Horowitz
“In the private mentoring sessions, I’ve been so impressed with Ariana’s wisdom, and her ability to clarify what’s going on in a situation. She has a good, incisive way of looking at what’s going on in my life, and is able to verbalize the transformation that’s occurring in a way that’s really uncommon.” ~ Hannah Lynn Mell
“My session with Ariana was absolutely beautiful, exactly the guidance I needed. I had been experiencing blockages and confusion in my business about next steps to take for months. From the moment she starting bringing in guidance the blockages began to dissolve, to be replaced by new energy and new ideas. At one point when she was speaking a chill ran through my whole body, a very clear indication that she was bringing in a very deep truth for me. I highly recommend Ariana’s services to all who are drawn to her work. In just one session, she helped me break through roadblocks I’d been stalled by for months. What a blessing!” ~ Lana Rae
“Thank you for such a beautiful, powerful, and cleansing session. I went into the session feeling depressed and came out feeling so joyful, uplifted, and renewed. My beautiful fiery dragon is definitely my guardian, and probably has been for many lifetimes, and now we have set it free, and with her freedom, I feel my freedom… freedom to be fierce, but with love, and compassion, and wisdom! The females in my lineage are dancing and singing with joy because now they are free too! I thank you, Ariana, and Spirit, for your loving insights and guidance in facilitating the release of lifetimes of trauma and drama. I am grateful.” ~ Barbara Szmyt
“Thank you so much Ariana for the wonderful healing you gave me, and what was more amazing is that this energy was so powerful over the internet. I dropped into a very deep place and really feel how the back of my heart has opened more. Also I can feel my tongue is releasing old stories of repression of sadness. I have done healing work myself for more than 30 years, and am very discerning about who I allow into my energy field. I highly recommend Ariana to anyone who wants to be held in a safe, nurturing non-judgmental space of the Divine Feminine Presence. Yes! We are all rising and shining together!” ~ Rhonda Ohlson
“Ariana holds a space for me to come back to myself and find my truth. She works as a leader and guide, bringing insights that awaken the power I have within. Even better than the time with her is what follows, my own insights that take me deeper into the truths Ariana helped to unearth. My work with Ariana, through coaching sessions and listening to her guided meditations, has helped me to clear old beliefs and patterns of disempowerment to reclaim my power and connection to all.” ~ Lindsey Sexton
“This energy work, cleansing and activating certain chakras was so deep and supportive for the journey I am on since a while, embracing and embodying my ancestral line, my blood lineage and even yesterday with Ariana’s skillful help healing the wounds, the damage in my DNA caused by sexual abuse. And besides all that her channeling abilities as a trained Oracle Priestess are extraordinary. I highly recommend working with Ariana.” ~ Wahlburga Marie Richter
Voice Healing Testimonials

“Ariana’s work with me paid off big time. She healed me extensively. I see just how vastly important it is for women to work with their voices, whether they think they need it or not. If you’re thinking about working with Ariana, do it. It’s some of the best work you can do for yourself. She has the capacity to take you from wherever you are as far as you want to go.” – Petalyn Swart, Founder of HeartFueled Giants.
“The inner work has been essential and amazing. I now recognize and can address all of the ways my inner voice sabotages me. It’s worth its weight in gold to be aligned so I can listen and say, no that’s not from soul wisdom, that’s just the “noise voice.” I have the tools to work with that inner voice now so it doesn’t affect my outer voice.
The very fact that I gave myself permission to invest in myself this way was huge. I’m in a very new place. I can use my resources now in a way that I couldn’t before. I feel back home with me in a way that’s balanced, and I can now honor the fact that I’ve accomplished so much in my life. Thank you so much!” – Donna Wolf
Working with Ariana showed me why and where my true voice has been buried. More important, I felt empowered to recover it and bring it forth…not so easy for an introvert. It seemed like she could even hear the sound of my real voice! She showed me how to take a stand for my own vocal power and self-expression.
Doing the practices has raised my expression and vocal freedom in a palpable way – a profound occurrence. I feel braver and truer as I express myself on the blog, speak to the camera, and teach online. I highly recommend Ariana as a vocal coach and healer.
Go hear her talk. Coach with her. She has a deep and unique method to help you speak your truth. – Jean Sibley Writer/Blogger, Life and Business Coach, Trainer, Motivational Speaker –
“I had no idea how my voice was undermining my effectiveness building my new business. In a previous career I worked one-on-one, mostly with men, and on the phone. In my new coaching business, I work with women, developing their business skills. To help them I need to sound confident. I also need to do public speaking and have little experience in this. Ariana shifted my perspective and showed me why my voice wasn’t matching my new business brand, and didn’t have the effect I wanted on larger audiences. She gave me exercises and how-to’s that made an immediate difference in how my message is heard. This work is very powerful, especially for women who are in transition or who may lack confidence in a new endeavor. I have been practicing my voice exercises and when I speak about what I do at gatherings I am better able to engage my audience. Thank you Ariana for expert guidance.” – Sue Horwitz