I call on my highest and deepest level guides and helpful ancestors, all my allies from the subtle realms, nature allies, faerie allies. I ask for guidance from the guardians of the land, the faeries & fey, all the devas, the thunder beings, all the elementals, the great birds, the great trees, Momma Ocean, and Mother Divine in all her aspects.
What are your messages, guidance, information and recommendations for humanity at this turning of the year into 2019?
Read on below, or listen here:
Here is the Rainbow Bridge Meditation the guides mention in the message. You can download it if you wish to use again and again. Read on below.
This is the Year of Bridges, of Bridging, of Creating Bridges.
Bridges between peoples, between worlds, between realms.
Bridges to new levels, layers, of consciousness.
Bridges to more Spirit Allies.
Bridges to the stars.
Bridges to Deep Earth.
Bridges to higher and deeper awareness.
When you create bridges, be sure that your side of the bridge is so strong that you cannot be pulled off it. That it always anchors you in your highest and deepest good.
Make your bridges beautiful also, They can be bridges of light & color. They can be bridges of stone, of wood, of whatever you can imagine. Whatever you make them of, anchor your side strongly into Deep Earth energies. Know and intend that you are not giving up your sovereignty as you create these, and that you create them to connect only the highest and deepest and greatest good. Only the greatest good flows across these bridges from either direction.
Make them with your heart, not your brain.
The greatest of all is Love.
These are bridges of Love you are creating. Bridges of Love you are walking.
You may use the Rainbow Bridge meditation we gave Ariana. She will record this for you.
Walk the Rainbow Bridge to shift perspectives and gain understanding.
Walk the Rainbow Bridge to release “othering.” To come into greater alignment within and without. To harmonize within and without.
Walk the Rainbow Bridge with humility.
The Rainbow Bridge shows truth. Deeper and higher truths.
A bridge has a starting place and ending place. The ending place is also the starting place. The starting place is also the ending place. The magic of bridges is the middle. The middle is the place of meeting.
Call to what you want to meet as you build your bridge with its strong anchor. Ask to meet in the middle. The middle is the place of miracles, meeting, merging, melding, mending, marriage, melting, medicine, making, music, majesty, magic, mahurats (ceremonies of beginnings). The middle is the place of Maat, goddess of balance and justice and fairness.
In this middle occurs the transformation, transfiguration, transmutation.
Hah. We are enjoying playing with your words today.
Your bridge can span vast distances into the stars, or it can span tiny distances within, and everything in between.
Do not limit what you can bridge to, bridge with.
Where there is difficulty, create bridges.
In difficult relationships, create bridges and meet in the middle to transform.
Create a bridge with money for greater abundance.
Create bridges to the faery realms.
Create bridges with those you imagine are your enemies.
Create bridges with nature allies of all kinds.
Create bridges within your physical self for healing and wellness.
Make a bridge to unite all your brains – heart, gut, mind, divine – to bring yourself into greater and greater alignment, to promote deep healing, and access all your abilities.
Where else can you create bridges to bring healing? – between individual humans, between human races, between adults & children, between humans & planet, between humans & nature, between humans and stars.
The greatest bridge of all is with Mother Divine. The greatest bridge of all is to LOVE and from LOVE.
This is your most important bridge to create, to activate, to walk. Make a practice of walking this bridge to meet the Great Mother in the middle. Remember – it is She of 10,000 Names. She of infinite aspects. What aspect meets you today? What is the message of that aspect of Infinite Love today?
The Rainbow Bridge is a Bridge of Love.
What does your Bridge of Love look like?
Infuse it, decorate it, color it, light it, paint it – however you like.
What does your Bridge of Love look like today? And the next day? And the next?
Every bridge must be created with Love, have its anchor, its foundation, in Love.
This is the secret of your protection as you use them.
Always build with LOVE.
As always, we send you our love and our blessings, and our gratitude for all that you are doing to help create this Great Shift, this Great Turning, this elevation and deepening of consciousness, this growth of humanity to its next level of beingness, of being as one with all.
Build bridges, dear ones, and have fun!!
Blessings for 2019 – Ariana