I’ve had the flu. For two weeks.
Usually, I never get sick. I’m not very good at it. This flu kind of came in waves, and I would think I was getting better, then it would hit me again.
I was scheduled to give a workshop at the FEM Talks Goddess Revival Weekend on Easter day. I was determined to be there.
I took the 2 days before to really stay down, be quiet, drink lots of tea, take lots of supplements, and PRAY!!
I made it, and even with my creaky, crackling voice, the Healing Your Soul’s Voice – Reclaiming The Voice of The Goddess Workshop was a favorite of the weekend for the women who attended.
It was also healing and energizing for me. My soul had called me to do this workshop, in spite of the logistics of bringing card making supplies, and having to cram the experience into less than an hour. My body was able to find the energy to answer my soul’s calling.Continue Reading