by Ariana Newcomer
Are you longing to become the woman you know in your bones you were born to be, yet feeling stuck? Are you struggling to create the life you most yearn for?
You may be suffering from a “support deficiency,” like my big dog, Pele, trying to sleep in the cat’s bed…
Think about an area of your life you are most wanting to manifest in, and answer these questions:
- What are the current obstacles and challenges you’re facing?
- How many other people in your life actually know about your deep desires in this area, and are supporting you in your vision?
- How many people are supporting you to overcome the struggles and challenges in your way?
- What resources have you accessed to help you achieve a breakthrough?
For many women, the answer to these questions is NOT MANY.
Women can have a great deal of trouble asking for and receiving support, not to mention actually investing in themselves by paying for support and mentoring.
I certainly did! I started making real breakthroughs when I started taking support seriously enough to invest in coaches and mentors.