Memorial Day has come and gone and summer is officially upon us and you know what that means… Travel! Packing your bags and heading off for some quality time to recharge and rejuvenate.
Let me ask you a question – when was the last time YOU took time off from your business to take a vacation?
Unfortunately, for many heart centered entrepreneurs, travel is viewed as a luxury and it gets put off because our schedules are jammed packed with marketing activities in an effort to get more clients.
Many entrepreneurs don’t realize how mentally, physically and financially worn down they are truly are AND most make the common mistake that taking on MORE clients is the only solution to fix the problem.
From personal experience I can tell you… It’s NOT!
Taking on more clients only means that you will have less free time for yourself. The answer is not more clients, it’s getting help to create a pricing strategy so you make more money with less clients!Continue Reading