Dear ones –
It is the turning of the seasons – here in the Northern Hemisphere, we are turning from dark to light with the winter Solstice.
And what a fall it has been. For many of us, the election caused a traumatic disorientation. Many things we thought were true about our country and our society were proven wrong.
We have actually suffered a collective trauma.
How do we heal? Where do we go from here? How do we reconcile our deepest principles and beliefs with what is happening?
My meditation, spiritual practices and spiritual mentor have become EVEN MORE important now. Without them, I’d probably be in a deep depression. I hope you’re using your
own spiritual tools!
As the planet turns and the seasons change, here are some suggestions for healing and finding our light again.
1. Create a ritual to release the past year. Set aside time and create sacred space in a way that feels right to you. You can light candles, use special music, etc. With the intention of letting go, write down each thing you want to release on a small piece of paper. Give thanks for the lessons they have brought you (even if you don’t know what they are yet). Then burn them in the fireplace, fire pit, or in a bowl. Allow them to release from your mind and your energy fields as you watch them burn.
2. Create a separate ritual (or continue your first ritual) to envision and welcome the new year. Drum, sing, dance to move energy. Ask Spirit to guide you and to help you bring in what you desire – for yourself, for your friends and family, for our country, for all countries, for our Earth. State your intentions out loud, with strength and passion.
3. Develop structures to support you in bringing your vision into being. Create a support group. Hire a coach or mentor. (See below for a special opportunity to work with me.) Deepen your spiritual practice. Set times in your calendar for self care FIRST – if you’re not healthy and energetic, you can’t change the world. Increase your community activities – we truly are stronger together.
4. And BREATHE. Always breathe. Breathe deeply into your belly, and feel your connection with our Mother Earth. Get out in nature. Commune with trees. Work in the garden. Listen to and make your own music. Dance. Sing.
PS – LIMITED TIME SPECIAL OFFER – As a newly minted Dove Oracle Priestess, I’m making my new Channeled Reading & Guided Healing Sessions available for a limited time at only $47 (regularly $150). CLICK HERE to purchase online, and reply to this email to schedule.
Price available through December 26. Purchase now, and schedule for later.
I look forward to working with you.