While working with a client today on her Clear Story (an essential part of your talk about what you do), she bumped up against an issue many women have. Her Clear Story draft was wimpy and unclear, because she used a lot of “maybes” and “mights” in it.
The Clear Story is a format I teach my clients that is designed to take their listener from a place they are stuck, to the possibility that they can have what they want by working with you, by changing a belief they hold that’s in the way.
When I got my Clear Story, it profoundly improved my marketing, and my ability to talk with people about what I do – and it does that for my clients, too.
MY GIFT – You can get the Clear Story Format here
THE PROBLEM for my client was that she didn’t want to “impose her ideas” on anyone, and she didn’t want to “make decisions for people,” or “make assumptions about them.”
She started her Clear Story with “You might think that…..” and “maybe you don’t….” Then, in the results part, she said “you may have…”
This is someone with an incredibly inspiring story who is becoming an inspirational speaker.
HELLO – if you want to be an inspirational speaker, or if you want to inspire people to work with you – YOU ARE IN THE BUSINESS OF CHANGING MINDS. You are in the BUSINESS OF INFLUENCING PEOPLE.
You have to call people into their future, into greater possibility, into taking action.
You are NOT going to do that by telling them they “might” have certain ideas, and “maybe” they can get these inspiring results.
You are an AGENT OF CHANGE. You have to be willing to call people into an inspiring future without the careful speaking that we women have been trained to do.
My client decided to make the shift, and lose the old voice stories that were keeping her from telling her compelling Clear Story – and yes, it was scary. It was also exhilarating and freeing.
Not everyone is meant to get your message, or to work with you. Those people will self-select out. The ones you ARE meant to reach need to be called to strongly, directly, and clearly.
Claim your brilliance. Claim your listeners and your divine right clients. Lose the “you might” and “maybe” qualifiers.
Again, you can get the truly life-changing Clear Story Format here.
Then, make an appointment so I can help you craft it and speak it in the most compelling way.